Street Photography (Photography)
So this was probably the hardest one for me so far. Tasked with 'street photography', our goal was to take images on busy streets of people. We had multiple ways of doing this, getting in peoples faces, taking pictures of social scenes, and asking people to pose were the most talked about methods. In addition to this, I had a problem with my camera, which has a varying 5 second (approx) delay on it. Meaning instantaneous shots were not only hard, but impossible. It felt like a significant handicap in this one, and as such, I opted not to rush up to people. Basically, if people got upset or objected, I'd be punched before the camera went off. In attention, I'd loose the element of surprise, and I'd miss the genuine surprise or reaction we were hoping for. Below are my favourite images I gathered on a trip to Edinburgh's city centre.
This is the first image I took, and I really like the atmosphere in it. The young couple passed me by, and I took this behind them. The cat carrier is empty, and I couldn't help but wonder what their story was. I love the sky above them in this. I think it came out really well.
I tried to get some pictures of just social surroundings. This is one of my favourites of the bunch. I think the fact most of the people in the image are on their phones says quite a lot about or social habits in this day and age.
I saw a lot of couples together in the city, and these two just seemed happy. I happened to get lucky with my timing of this, considering my camera. I love the idea of a picture within a picture, and this just had to make it into my collection.
This is the first image I took, and I really like the atmosphere in it. The young couple passed me by, and I took this behind them. The cat carrier is empty, and I couldn't help but wonder what their story was. I love the sky above them in this. I think it came out really well.
I tried to get some pictures of just social surroundings. This is one of my favourites of the bunch. I think the fact most of the people in the image are on their phones says quite a lot about or social habits in this day and age.
A group of friends walking down Princes St. I just liked the way this one lined up, in all honesty. There's a sense of unity about it. Looking at it now, I'm not sure they all knew each other, they may have just ended up walking as a unit.
Some people travelling along Princes St. I seemed to like taking photos of people that suggested a story. In this case, where were they from, where were they going, etc. I know that can be said about most people, but a group travelling like this just says it more, I think.
It wouldn't be Edinburgh if you weren't waiting on a bus at some point. I consider this an Edinburger in their natural habitat. I took a few images of people in the bus shelters, this is my favourite because of the square shapes and lines from the pavement and the shelter itself.
Another couple I stumbled across. This old couple seemed to be just incredibly comfortable together, and I tried a few times to grab a picture of them chatting over Waverly bridge without drawing too much attention.
Another one from the gardens, I just wanted to try getting a few images of everyday scenes. Of the ones I took in the park, this feels the most natural to me. I also love the contrast of people, the chap in the long coat and umbrella passing the bloke with the jeans and ponytail. I love seeing clashes of people like this.
Climbing up towards the Royal Mile, I took this photo. Honestly, it was one of a bunch, just me trying to get better at timing my shots. This one I just liked, and I'm not really sure why.
This is another one that feels very 'Edinburgh' to me. The grumpy look of the woman, the claustrophobic nature of a group passing each other on the crossing, even the fact the lights are red just screams Edinburgh to me.
Overall, I liked a lot of these images, but I feel if I had a camera that actually took photos on command, I'd have produced a lot more, better images.
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