My thoughts on Digital Art (Digital Media)
Digital Art is something that I think is ill defined. Both literally and in the minds of many. I believe it has as many variations and connotations as 'Art' itself. For example, if someone records a clip of themselves doing something creative in a video game, it could be considered a digitally created animation. And therefore, art. I'm not sure if I like what this could mean. I've not been shy about admitting my limited knowledge of art and the art world, but I feel a similar problem arose with things like conceptual art. What is art? Can anything be art? What shouldn't be art? I feel we'll be asking the same questions about digital art very soon, if not already.
I believe in my head that digital art is something created using digital tools that has an analogue input behind it, as well as intention. Maybe that's too specific. I don't really know. But if it meets that criteria, I will consider it to be a form of digital art. Other things I may question, depending on their context.
I consider digital art to be an advancement on an existing theme. Computers are a tool that can make art easier. This in turn has done two main things. Firstly, it makes art more accessible. Both in terms of viewing art and it's distribution, but also in terms of materials. For relatively cheap, anyone can get drawing software and create something digitally. I paid £30 for a piece of software than I can create unlimited sketches, pen drawings, paintings and many more with. That's an outstanding thing to consider. And this is available to anyone! That concept alone is mind boggling.
The second benefit of using computers as a tool is more complex. It has created a vast (possibly infinite) number of possibilities to create new things. New mediums. Unlike my first point, which mostly leans towards amateur artists, this one is more for experienced artists. If you understand art and technology and then use them in tandem, you can create things digitally that could never be created traditionally. Ideas that could take years to realise can be created within hours. This means that what the artist can create is amplified exponentially! That's incredible to consider.
Ultimately, I believe digital art is about removing boundaries. We are no longer constricted by the tools and material we have physically within our reach. We are no longer bound by the rules of reality. We can create pure imagination without restriction. And it's only going to get better from here. With Virtual Reality making leaps and bounds this last few years, who knows what's around the corner?
I think art is important and incredible. And I believe digital art is the next progression of that experience.
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