Dada (Contextual Studies)

In 1914 the world would change forever.  The Great War, or as we now know it, World War I, ravage the world, ending and lives and drastically changing the lives of those who would survive.  The War would have a tremendous impact on life as it was known, and art was no exception.  Having witnessed the War first hand, many of them on their doorsteps, many artists would become disillusioned with society and it's ideals, rejecting logic and reason.  From this the Dada movement was born, an affront to logic and reason, an insult to the rational right wing ideology that had resulted in such overwhelming and needless violence.  Dada would take pride in the nonsensical and refuted any preconceived notions of art and what art should be.  As a result, the Dada movement spans a great deal of mediums, extending into poetry, plays and writing.

Although Dada was incredibly influenced by World War I, and didn't really see it's fruition until post 1915, there are examples of art and ideology that predate the War.  Artists involved in the movement had been known to have been researching some of these ideals prior to the War, but it wasn't until much later than Dada would gain it's name and a movement associated with these anarchistic ideals.  In addition, Dada is one of the few art movements that wasn't primarily driven by painting or the visual arts.  Arguably, poetry was one of the main mediums of the movement.

Hugo Ball was a philosopher born in Germany, living there when War broke out.  Initially he volunteered to serve in the Army, but after being rejected, and witnessing the invasion of Belgium, Ball became disillusioned with the world and the government as he knew it.  Becoming a traitor to his country, Ball fled Germany, where his philosophical ideals would marry his political sensibilities.  In 1916, he would release two important written pieces that would define the Dada movement for the future.  First was the Dada Manifesto which tackles the perception of Dada as an art movement, rejecting the labels it has been gifted with.  Ironically, disputing the existence of such a movement, and gifting it with a firm name, this document would be considered one of the defining works of Dada and it's creation.

In the same year, Ball would release the Poem Karawane, a nonsensical poem which would contribute to the definition of the movement.  It's purpose was that it had no purpose, defying logic and preconceived notions of what art should be.  It's meaning could often be interrupted by each individual as it was viewed, culminating in the idea that the individual perceives the world with their own beliefs and ideology.

 Austrian artist Raoul Hausmann spent most of the war in Berlin, having been living there since his early teenage years.  Having studied art and written for numerous political periodicals, Hausmann seemed desperate to create a unique art style and medium that would break away from the more traditional and accepted forms of art.  In 1917 Hausmann, long with other local artists would create Club Dada.  Arguably Hausmann's most famous work is Mechanical Head from 1920.  Many have tried to apply reason to this sculpture, which features a wig makers dummy head with measuring instruments attached.  Many believe this to be a representation of the worries and concerns which impact our minds and weigh on us.

In the early 1920's, Hausmann would discover a new medium which would go on to influence Dada in a major way.  The Photomontage is essentially photographs and press images that have been used to create a unique collage.  For Hausmann, these images could represent the choas of the Dada movement, and also served to combat older ideas of art and painting.  ABCD is a self portrait using this method, created in 1923, and uses this method to tear down what most considered to be a self portrait.  Despite it's irrational style, Photomontage would go on to be a defining medium for Dada, and is a medium still used to this day.

Dada is a movement I have the hardest time understanding.  Although perhaps that's the intention.  It's honestly hard to say at this point.  I find it difficult to understand how a movement with such a routed political message can use such a random and seemingly meaningless creation of art to further their message.  It all seems a little redundant to me.  I see a lot of modern culture in Dada, the randomness and loud nature of it is something I think can be related to today's society.  But in a way I particularly approve of.  Personally, I find movements like Cubism and Surrealism to be much more noteworthy and interesting.

Practical Work

Dada was peculiar for me to work with.  It's complete lack of discipline or form make it hard to approach.  I've heard a lot of my peers say it was easy, because there were no rules.  For me, it means there's no starting point, no point of reference.  

My first attempt was a Dada Poetry.  The process for this is really simple.  Cut up some magazines, cut up some words, pick them randomly and piece them into a poem which is entirely random except it isn't because the human mind subconsciously makes decisions.  I think.  I really struggled to understand Dada.  Perhaps because there's little to understand?  Either way, this was my poem, and I'm not sure how I feel about it.

My second attempt is a photomontage, heavily inspired by ABCD by Raoul Hausmann, which is a self portrait.  I only glanced at the original image, but I liked the idea of selecting certain images that represented a theme or personality, and jumbling them together.  Following Hausmann's example of a self portrait, I picked images that I felt related to me in some way, as well as some phrases.  I then jumbled them together in a composition I felt was pleasing.  In the end, I actually really like this image, and it's one of my favourite collages I've done so far.  It feels personal to me, and for my own reasons, fits as a self portrait.  But honestly, I'm not sure if it fits the intentions of Dada.

Dada is something I feel I will always struggle with as a concept.  Bizarrely, I appreciate Surrealism a lot more, which is odd considering many consider Surrealism to be an extension of Dada.


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